Favorite Find? "Finding pieces is the best part of decorating- the hunt. Owning a piece of furniture or decorative item that has a story or maybe an elusive past makes your space feel more sentimental or special. I love my coffee table from the Fairfax flea market in West Hollywood because it's not only one-of-a-kind, but it has the most beautiful inlay of sea foam-green decorative ceiling tin. I made it my own by painting it black to pop out against my stock-white-walled apartment."
"The Foo dog book-end is from a trip my great-grandmother took to China. Foo dogs are a very popular decoration right now, and always hehe."
Coziest Corner? "If you want to find me cozied up, I'll be in my family room sitting in my down, slip-covered, chair and a half. It's nothing unique, but it's comfortable enough to hold me hostage until I wake up from nap land 2 hours later. My chair and a half is ideal for snuggling, napping, dangling your legs over the arms, and reaching over to my very full bookshelf an arm's reach away."
Your Steeze in Four Words? "Feminine, traditional, eclectic, vintage."
"One of the coolest pieces I have is a signed nude portrait of Mae West hanging in my bedroom. I inherited the piece from my great-grandparents who were friends with the legendary star. They were musicians living in a house they built in the 1910's just a couple of blocks up from where I live now in Brentwood. So it's very special for me that it now hangs in my bedroom. I had the most fun however, finding my set of 3-legged brass accent tables at an estate sale. They were an antique duo from the retired TV set of 'All My Children'… even my furniture is so Hollywood! (sigh…). My mom is a huge fan of the soap opera so we couldn't pass up the opportunity to hunt through Erica Kane's wardrobe and furniture and I of course couldn't leave empty-handed."
Tips and Tricks? "It's hard to decorate in your early 20's because chances are you're just out of college, limited on finances, and living in a rented apartment with a roommate who might have different ideas of "decorating." These challenges however make the process more fun as you learn how to bargain shop, make-over old pieces, discover DIY projects, and put your creativity and imagination to the test. The best places to find inspiration and pieces are flea markets, garage/estate sales, Goodwill, discount stores like Ikea and Homegoods, Craigslist and Etsy. Good design does not have to be expensive, and conversely, expensive items do not always make good design. I try to keep in mind a few things: invest in important pieces (comfy bed, couch, good lighting), don't buy it just because it's cheap, details and personal items make it more welcoming and homey, and try befriending color and texture. I think its so important to want to come home to a place that you love and feels your own."
Thank you for letting us crash McKaela! We love you!
(PS -You can follow McKaela on Instragram @mckaelaline)
LOVe the interiors!
-Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:
That is one classy interior, and love everything on that living room. Thank you for sharing.