February 16, 2014

Live Beaming: My 3 Day Cleanse Experience.

If you are an avid reader of this blog you may recall my taking a trip down to San Diego several months to hang with the kind folks of Beaming- an amazing superfoods bar located in Del Mar. (Read the post on my visit here) They invited me to come drink pressed juices and eat healthy food and get to know more about the story behind the brand and what they stand for. I was definitely impressed. Organic, healthy, and most of all- everything tasted* amazing. When Dustin, now a good friend who works for Beaming- proposed I do one of their popular 3 Day Cleanses I was... hesitant. I mean, I already eat really healthy, or so I tell myself. Hopefully I don't lose you here but I believe in honest journalism. I don't drink alcohol (just not my thing) and I can't drink caffeine (its for the safety of others believe me- I will bounce off the walls) but I do have a few vices, one being sugar. I love cookies, ice cream, brownies, cake, cupcakes... anything sweet- I am there. And also water- don't drink enough. At all. It's bad. SO- saying that, I was definitely nervous about the prospect of not eating for 3 days. Dustin assured me Beaming's Cleanse is not the standard cayenne and lemon juice starve- yourself- for- a -week "cleanse" but actually 3 days of tasty juices, a snack and you even get soup and salad! Yep. I was in.

My intern and I anxiously awaited the arrival of Fed-Ex with my Live Beaming Cleanse in tow... I live in Los Angeles, so if your interested in cleansing but aren't local to their Del Mar location its still totally easy to get cleansing! Tracking my package I could tell it would arrive any minute and when the Fed-Ex guy knocked on my door I pretty much leaped with excitement and even told him all about my cleanse haha... Ok ok. Getting off track... Now I've got 3 perfectly packaged cute lil green Beaming soft cooler bags that come labeled and ready to go...

Here is what they contain... Your 4 juices and 1 soup. (That orange one is soup but you get a new soup every day) Also a little snack, these super good protein ball things.. and salad dressing (new each day) and topping (seasoned nuts, new each day) A few days before you start your cleanse Beaming sends an e-mail of what you need to be prepared and its all very simple and straight forward. Pretty much organic greens (I went and got kale and spinach salad mix from Whole Foods) and anything else you may want for your salad at the end of each day. Which your package also includes a container to show how big you salad needs to be.

All the juices are well labeled and you get a menu with your day layed out.. what juice to have at what time. So I grabbed juice one and packed up juice two in my cooler and headed out to work downtown. Here is the thing that really surprised me. I was not hungry. I could hardly finish juice one! They are pretty filling. Getting through each juice was the hardest part for me actually! Also remembering to drink enough water which is always my problem as I previously mentioned. 

By day two I was still getting on fine but I did start to crave my sweets... although this drink pictured above definitely helped (Almond milk, beaming protein, vanilla, Himalayan pink salt) With my schedule which includes a lot of driving and running around, it was harder to stay on track with my itinerary I was given but the coolers definitely help because you can take stuff on the road, or to work if your in an office.  

Day 3- at this point your used to having your juice as you little companion, where as the first two days I kept leaving them places and running back to grab them (ADD) This juice (above) actually turned out to be one of my faves surprisingly because I don't like beets- but it was good! Beet, cucumber, celery, carrot, lime, kale, apple and ginger, and of course- good for you! By the end of Day three you definitely feel lighter, more energized and motivated to eat and drink healthier coming off your cleanse.

I ended my Beaming Cleanse on Wednesday and hopefully you were able to follow along via my Instagram and Twitter. It's Sunday morning and I am still feeling the effects of the cleanse! In a good way! We went to the Farmer's Market yesterday and got a ton of healthy food and snacks to last through out the week. And now- although, I have got my vegan peanut butter cookies here, I am actually craving juice! How about that? Thank you to Beaming for this experience, I needed the re-set and I am feeling great!

Thinking about doing a cleanse and have questions? Feel free to ask me anything! You can e-mail me at info@mintclothingcompany.com


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