March 29, 2014


Mint on the daily. 


March 25, 2014

100 Happy Days.

Do you think you can be happy for 100 days straight? I have a few friends participating in this awesome idea- 100 Happy Days Challenge. Basically via your favorite social media outlet (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) you post a pic everyday and caption it with something or someone your grateful for! Simple as that! Why? The reason behind this idea is that gratitude equals happiness. Did you know practicing gratitude lowers your blood pressure, enhances your sleep, and can even help you lose weight?!
Check out the official website here to get signed up! And follow along with me, starting today with DAY 1- via my instagram here!



March 19, 2014


If you keep up with my blog you might know that I've just moved into a new place. I'm aware that this post might make me sound entirely hippy dippy or so "California" but hey, if the shoe fits! In the process of moving I had had a few friends mention to me that it would be a good idea to sage the new loft. Ever walked into a place and felt "bad vibes" or a weird energy? Saging is of most often referred to as "smudging" which is an ancient tradition used to purify or bless people and/or places. I was actually really surprised about how different the new place (and I!!) felt after the smudging. It was like a breathe of fresh air. It just felt lighter. I would recommend this to absolutely anyone going through any kind of transition, whether it be moving, a break-up, a new job, etc... after doing a lot of research on this it's not nearly as complicated as it sounds!! I'm gonna walk you through it.

Step 1. Find a smudge stick. 
A smudge stick is just Sage kind of wrapped with thread into a stick. If you live close to Topanga or Laurel Cyn this should be easy to find!! (LA inside jokes) Otherwise any kind of store that sells crystals or does palm reading etc.. should have one. Not into palm reading and crystals?! Don't be put off by all that! This smudging thing is not as strange as it seems.

Step 2. Light it up.
Open your windows and doors and over a bowl or small plate (traditionally abalone shell was used) light the end of the smudge stick how you would light incense and blow it out so that the embers are smoking but its not inflamed. 

Step 3. Walk around.
Take a walk around your place. Some articles I read said to do this in a clockwise motion. Pay close attention to closets, corners and any place where energy could be trapped. The weirdest part about this was one blog said you should be able to feel where it needs it the most- and you actually can! Don't be spooked! Watch the smoke billow out the open windows and doors and imagine the negative energy is escaping the space.

Step 4. Think happy thoughts.
As you are walking there are several things you can say but anything along the lines of "I cleanse this room of any impurities, negativity, or anything that does not suit or support the people that live here." and set positive intentions for yourself in the new space. 

Step 5. Sage shower.
With the help of a buddy surround yourself with smoke and cup into your hands and "wash" your face with it, visualize any residual negativity sailing out of your body and out of your home. 

Step 6.
Exintguish the stick by running under water or tapping onto sink, bowl, plate, whatever.

You can repeat this "cleansing ritual" as frequently as you'd like! I've read some people do it at the start of every week! And I might just be addicted. 


March 17, 2014

Foam Mag: Ones to Watch.

If you get a chance pop by your local newsstand pick up the latest issue of Foam Mag and check out the super fun shoot / Q&A I did with Foam/Casio. 

Thank you Foam and Casio for having me! Was a blast!!


March 14, 2014

Sanctuary: Surplus Girl.


Super fun hanging with the crew of Sanctuary and playing dress up in their new Spring line! Camo prints, comfy sweaters, utility pants... I'm all about it. Sanctuary is a brand that never disappoints, constantly turning out collection after collection of stand out pieces perfect for date nights, meetings and concerts but also essentials for everyday. I was so stoked to be a part of their new campaign featuring the 4 different types of "Sanctuary Girl" - I loved the "Surplus Girl" borrowed from the boys, mix and match style, which very much fit with my own personal style! Look out for more pics from our shoot on Sanctuary's Instagram: http://instagram.com/sanctuaryclothing/

Thanks again to Sanctuary for having me!


March 12, 2014

Ban Bossy.

There are things I thought would be obstacles in business, being a woman was not one them. I guess I assumed that that was over like five, ten years ago? Women in the workplace? Well.. it's not. 

Sheryl Sandberg is the chief operating officer of Facebook and author of the best selling book "Lean In" She launched a campaign this week to ban the word "bossy" - explaining her belief that use of this word discourages girls from pursing leadership roles. Watching this video, and hearing this young girl say that she doesn't want to be a leader because she doesn't want to be disliked- really resonated with me. It made me start connecting some dots in my own relationships, why people act or react the way they do and where that stems from. I had never even thought about a possible solution, which is sad because that must mean I didn't think there was one. I think this is a great step in the right direction to start teaching young girls that there is nothing wrong with speaking up and taking charge!

More information on Ban Bossy, here and HERE!! 
Lets encourage young girls to be leaders! #BanBossy


March 9, 2014

Daylight SAVINGS.

Here in Los Angeles we had a few days of rain last week. And that was about it. Winter? Where did you go? I can't believe it's already time for the days to get longer! We even saw a rattle snake while we were hiking a few days ago! They aren't supposed to be out yet! Well in celebration- not of snakes (eeek) but of more daylight, which means more time to hike, surf, do yoga.. we are offering a treat for our subscribers! After all, your gonna need some comfy clothes to get adventuring in! Get on over to www.mintclothingcompany.com to subscribe! 


March 7, 2014

Spring Cleaning.

So. I'm moving. It's exciting. As I'm packing up I also find myself throwing out a ton of ... well crap really, and fantasizing about someone with no feeling towards any of this stuff coming in and taking it all out in one foul swoop. If that were to happen, I know that there are only a few things I would really miss. Even knowing that - I still have a hard time parting with this stuff! Why?! I thought maybe you guys might have this problem too if your moving, or spring cleaning- which lead me to write this post and maybe distract me from packing... mu ha haha (evil laugh*)

 So let's break it down..

I started here. So many products! Who the hell needs all this?! Serums, samples, Christmas presents from years past of lotion and perfume sets, dusty candles (huh?) So many half used bottles of Advil/ Midol/ contact solution and the like.. And the nail polish. I never even paint my own nails because I totally suck at it. So all the nail polish went. All the gift sets went. All the samples went. All the products I don't use on a daily basis went. That's a lie. Argg... most of the products I don't use on a daily basis went. A few sprays and serums stayed.

Every girl does this. Maybe twice or four times a year you go through all your bras and underwear and determine which are worth hanging on to and which need be tossed. The lace is ripped, the bra fabric has pilled up, the underwires are stabbing you... but still it's my instinct to hold on to these? Not sure for what... obviously not saving them for a hot date. Do I think there will be an underwear shortage at some point? No more underwear to purchase anywhere? Am I totally alone? I'm thinking of throwing them all out and starting entirely fresh. Here are a few good deals on underwear if your thinking of doing the same...

(not my underwear drawer... photo via shopimagine.com)

Just steal my clothes. Seriously. Debating giving out my address. Or! Hiring some kind of hitman but for my closet? Just don't take any shoes or bags. Like most of you out there, I don't wear even half of what's in my closet. And that "6 month rule" is really hard to go off of! Because it's as soon as you drop the bag off at the women's shelter or throw it into one of those drop boxes, you remember something you accidentally put in and now it's just gone, gone forever. But who cares! I mean really. It's gone to a better place. Having too much stuff just isn't healthy. Right? I feel such a weight off my shoulders! Or.. am I going to. Hopefully.

So here we go, any jeans I haven't worn in the last 6 months- gone. Sweaters piled up and stretched out- gone. The ex's tee shirts- ugh long gone. Dresses I have worn only once- gone, gone gone... Old socks, tights, scarfs...get outta here... Man this feels good! Theoretically. This was great mental preparation. Thank you! Any advise feel free to comment below! Happy Spring Cleaning!


March 5, 2014

Chanel, Aisle 5.

Um... I am totally obsessed with the Chanel show at Paris Fashion Week.  Not sure if they are trying to show that every day girls can wear Chanel, doing every day things like shopping at the super market- or if it's just plain cool. Chanel eggs, Chanel pretzels, Chanel everything. It's like a dream come true! I want to shop in a Chanel Supermarket! Don't you?!

So radical.
